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The New Way to Migrate, Store and Protect Your Healthcare Data

A cloud storage solution for doctors who care about the security & retention of their healthcare data.

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No One Gets Doctor's Like We Do

Our Cloud-Based Healthcare Solution Helps You Switch to a New EHR Quick and Easy

Migrate, protect and store your healthcare data with our cloud solution 24/7, regardless of the storage capacity of your current EHR, and save over $10,000 in data migration fees and ransomware policies.

Migrate All of Your Data, Not Just Some

Are you worried that you may not be able to retrieve all of your legacy data from your current EHR? Our migration solutions transition all of your data precisely and securely. We work both with EHR companies to outsource their data migration processes, and also directly with doctors to ensure they receive the support they need.

Future-Proof Your Data with Archie

New EHR companies can typically import up to 50% of your legacy data due to limitations in technology and resources. With our powerful archival platform, Archie, you can store all of your data and be able to access it 24/7. If a data breach or cyberattack happens to your EHR, you’ll always have a safe backup.

Migrate & Archive Your HR Payroll and Accounting Sensitive Data

It’s far too common for practices to leave employees’ sensitive data, including payroll documentation in old systems, but this forgotten data is covered by many federal regulations. We help you migrate and retain this legacy data, which makes switching to a new HR or payroll vendor a breeze.

Operate At The Speed Of Innovation

Our cloud-based tech offers the benefits every health practice needs, big or small.

EHR Companies
Love Us

We understand the limitations EHR companies face. That’s why we’ve become the volume-based migration provider of choice. We can be an extended team or do all the heavy lifting.

Liberating You From Manual Tasks

We understand how important it is to simplify a doctor’s workflow. Our cloud-based archival platform, Archie, reduces the time it takes to look up legacy data. It presents patient records and/or exam results individually in most cases.

Secure With Only
A Single Click

Once Archie has archived and secured your data, you can access it directly from your EHR. Our single sign-in feature is integrated with EHR companies so that you won’t have to jump through hoops or log in multiple times.


Let’s create something extraordinary together

Schedule a free consultation with our team and let’s make things happen!
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