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Forget Everything You Know About Complicated Data Migrations

Don’t settle for costly, uncompleted data migrations. Discover a better way today.

Switching EHR Systems Has Never Been Easier

There are so many reasons why you may want to switch EHR systems, but ensuring your healthcare data management platform runs smoothly is key. And like any secret recipe, the magic isn’t in our ingredients – it’s how everything works together.

We Work Hard To Retrieve
Your Legacy Data

Many EHR companies won’t assist in retrieving your legacy data; they simply request that you gather it, resulting in less than 50% of your data being recovered. We work closely with many of the top EHR companies which allows us to work on your behalf to retrieve more of your data than historically possible.

Moving Data is Our Thing
(And We Do it Really, Really Well)

“Migrate my data, but all of it” isn’t an easy task. What sets us apart is our Seamless Data Migration and our ability to successfully extract your legacy data, rather than just a fraction of it.

We are Experts Who Also Care About Your Reputation

Data is gloriously messy and complicated. Our dedicated experts wrestle that mess to the ground by using their many years of knowledge and experience.

Seamless Data Migration

Data migration can be a slow and daunting process. That’s why we work tirelessly to make it seamless, completing the entire process from extract to final migration extremely quick, in less than 7 days.

Fast Data Migration for Practices of Any Size, Big or Small

MyDataMove empowers healthcare practices to effortlessly scale with their growing patient base with seamless migrations while handling complex tasks with ease.

A Client-First Approach

Every client is different. That’s why we prioritize your needs above all else to deliver seamless solutions tailored to your unique requirements.

HIPAA Compliant

Archie keeps your data HIPAA compliant, so you can focus on your practice without worrying about compliance roadblocks.

Easy Onboarding

Our experts, with over 20 years of experience, ensure smooth data migration onboarding and share best practices with continuous support.

Why Doctors Are Switching to MyDataMove
(And Aren’t Looking Back)

Proud Partners With

Migrate Your Legacy Data Today

Interested in starting, but still have questions? Speak to our expert here

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